Since the birth of INCORDIA the brothers in arms, marching under the banner of their shieldmaid and frontwoman Kari, continuously strived for more. While their journey started on the small stages of local clubs in front of a handful of bystanders, they soon conquered bigger and bigger venues and festivals, allowing them to share the stage with several well-known bands from the pagan- and extreme-metal-scene.

Just like a hammer smiting steel and letting the anvil tremble, the necks of their fans are shaking when witnessing the amalgamation of merciless melodic-death-metal with legends of the northern lore. Just as it was before, so it will be again when the world bears witness to the release of their second studio album. “The Talon-Elder” once again intertwines the brutality of war with the forlornness and sorrow of those left begin, topped off by stories of the moods of the Aesir. All this comes packed into ten new tracks recorded in the legendary Kohlekeller-Studios. The scourging screams of frontwoman Kari, accentuated by ripping guitar riffs and the deep growls of guitarist Lee bring the atmosphere directly to the listeners homes and lets them witness the mayhem of battle themselves.

The ten tracks of “The Talon-Elder”, including the single “Hymn Of The Asagods”, premiered in 2016, will be released in a premium jewel case with an 8-page booklet. It will be filled with the lyrics to all the songs, combined with evocative drawings by Janosch and Jamaika Rudigier.

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